Free Software Foundation permits everyone to copy and distribute verbatim copies for Inc. GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Subscriptions support us and due to this crowdfunding prices of the products are low. We do not provide license keys for the products you downloaded. We are not developers of the provided products, so our technical support capabilities are limited. We do not change the functionality of products and do not fix developer bugs.
As many as you like. The plugins and themes are GPL licensed so you can use them as often as you like on as many sites as you like.
The files that are available on this site are 100% safe. None of the files have been modified and do not contain malware.
We even use them on our site!
All themes and plugins can be directly downloaded from the website of the producing company. We download our website without any modification. You can use all the files on your website, mind at peace.
We do not sell any products downloaded from third-party resources.
There is no limit on themes and plug-ins that you have installed at any time.
Unfortunately, we’ve had to take another look at this because we felt the fair use policy was being abused. There are no limits now. if we feel any issue we will take action.
Where can I see the list of the latest updates?
A list of the latest updates can be found on the following page changelog.